Oferta Współpracy dla Biur Kredytowych Wrocław
Opis stanowiska:.Wymagania:.Oferujemy:.
Opis stanowiska:FOR OUR CLIENT - LEADER OF INVESTMENT BANKINGWe are recruiting for a Senior Analyst to work with our Clients Alternative Investment Services Department, which is responsible for the correct valuation and preparation of calculations (NAV) ...
Opis stanowiska:FOR OUR CLIENT - LEADER OF INVESTMENT BANKINGWe are recruiting for a Senior Analyst to work with our Clients Alternative Investment Services Department, which is responsible for the correct valuation and preparation of calculations (NAV) ...
Opis stanowiska:DLA NASZEGO KLIENTA - LIDERA BANKOWOŚCI INWESTYCYJNEJPoszukujemy Starszego Analityka do pracy w Dziale Alternative Investment Services (funduszy aleternatywnych), który jest odpowiedzialny za prawidłową wycenę i przygotowywanie kalkulacji ( ...
Opis stanowiska:FOR OUR CLIENT - LEADER OF INVESTMENT BANKINGIn this role, you’ll make an impact in the following ways: Driving end-to end process design and implementation efforts across Accounting and Investor solutions working with subject matter ...
Opis stanowiska:FOR OUR CLIENT - LEADER OF INVESTMENT BANKINGIn this role, you’ll make an impact in the following ways: Leading the analysis and execution of business-critical data capabilities at the Operations and Technology level to address business ...