Responsibilities: Daily work with social media Veryfing posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action Preparing documentation and reports Requirements: Very good communication ...
Duties: Review and categorize social media posts, Review and take action on posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content, Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action, Judge decide on posts by referring to client policy ...
Opis stanowiska:- moderowanie treści pojawiających się na stronie internetowej w języku czeskim słowackim i angielskim zgodnie z polityką biznesową i regułami etycznymi.Wymagania:- bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego i niemieckiego- podstawowa ...
Responsibilities: Daily work with social media Veryfing posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action Preparing documentation and reports Requirements: Very good communication ...
Duties: Review and categorize social media posts, Review and take action on posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content, Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action, Judge decide on posts by referring to client policy ...
Responsibilities: Daily work with social media Veryfing posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action Preparing documentation and reports Requirements: Very good communication ...
Responsibilities: Daily work with social media Veryfing posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action Preparing documentation and reports Requirements: Very good communication ...
Opis stanowiska:- moderowanie treści pojawiających się na stronie internetowej w języku duńskim szwedzkim norweskim lub fińskim i angielskim zgodnie z polityką biznesową i regułami etycznymi.Wymagania:- bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego i ...
Zadania: Sprawdzanie treści postowanych w zagranicznych mediach społecznościowych Weryfikacja treści i usuwanie postów filmów komentarzy obraźliwych, zawierających content nielegalny, niezgodny z wartościami i polityką Klienta Tworzenie raportów dot. ...
Duties: Review and categorize social media posts, Review and take action on posts that violates policies including copyright pirated content, Review user accounts to verify their identity and take action, Judge decide on posts by referring to client policy ...