Full-Stack Developer
... Developera na poziomie mid lub senior, albo Developera Java React, który ...
... Developera na poziomie mid lub senior, albo Developera Java React, który ...
O nas W Saventic Health zmieniamy branżę medyczną, wykorzystując sztuczną inteligencję do wspierania lekarzy w diagnostyce rzadkich chorób . Naszą misją jest zmienianie świata poprzez umożliwienie wczesnej i precyzyjnej diagnozy tam, gdzie jest ona ...
Zespół Data Intelligence Solutions zajmuje się dostarczaniem naszym Klientom usług z zakresu szeroko pojętej analityki danych, modelowania hurtowni i Business Intelligence. Wykorzystujemy nowoczesne technologie, jednocześnie stale rozwijamy się i ...
For over 13 years we’ve gained experience in implementing projects for enterprises, mainly in the finance (including banking and insurance), public and services sectors. We help our customers in designing and planning their IT Architecture and solution ...
What We Do in NordLayer Core Team: Our team builds a key internal product that powers the NordLayer ecosystem. We design and maintain a management tool for all VPN servers, providing a robust UI & API for other Web Teams while closely collaborating with ...
Dołącz do Detable Sp. Z o.o. - prężnie rozwijającej się firmy, która stawia na długofalową współpracę z doświadczonymi profesjonalistami. Od ponad 2 lat jesteśmy partnerem dla instytucji z sektora publicznego, współpracujemy m.in. z Centrum e-zdrowia, ...
Our Client Our client is a leader in the SaaS industry, specializing in software solutions for insurance companies. With 20 years of experience, they offer a comprehensive software package that supports key insurance processes such as policies, claims, ...
Our Client Our Client is a leader in the SaaS industry, specializing in software solutions for insurance companies. With 20 years of experience, they offer a comprehensive software package that supports key insurance processes such as policies, claims, ...
You’ll be working on diverse machine learning projects for local and international companies as well as in academic research. This will involve different phases of the end-to-end delivery – direct contact with the client, business analysis of the problem, ...
As one of the leading logistics companies in Europe, we at FIEGE Logistic employ around 23,500 people at around 135 locations in 15 different countries. As an innovation leader in the industry, we offer the best of logistics, digital services, real estate ...