Senior Frontend Vue Developer
... collaboration with the business i.e., Research & Early Development, Development, Product ... built on Vue and a C# backend hosted in Azure. The ...
... collaboration with the business i.e., Research & Early Development, Development, Product ... built on Vue and a C# backend hosted in Azure. The ...
... projects. Proficiency in .NET and C# programming languages. Strong knowledge in ... training offer, access to the e-learning platforms, Gallup test, GenAI ...
... . Following our recent $80m Series C funding, we are ready to ... in a fast paced environment (e.g Consulting Product Partnership teams ...
... Azure and Azure Functions; .NET, C#, SQL Server, and Azure PaaS ... -on development experience with: .NET,C#, SQL, Server, Azure PaaS, Azure ...
... in the sales circle process (e.g. customer success workshop) and ... levels. Skilled at presenting to C-level audiences focusing on demonstrating ...
... the future opportunity for limited C# and Angular development to realign ... of configurating and customising applications (e.g. content management) Great attention ...
... vast opportunities for self-development (e.g. online courses and library, ... You are proficient in .NET C# and have experience with REST ...
... . Niezbędna będzie znajomość Appium oraz C#. Projekt jest realizowany dla naszego ... w pisaniu testów automatycznych Znajomość C#, Appium, Selenium-WebDriver, Specflow, Xunit, ...
... a good degree: Java, .Net, C#, JavaScript, Go and scripting languages ... training offer, access to the e-learning platforms, Gallup test, GenAI ...
... widziane doświadczenie w programowaniu (SQL, C#, .Net) oraz wiedza z zakresu ... Excellence, dostęp do technologicznej platformy e-learningowej - Udemy, kursy języka angielskiego - ...