Jesteś na początku swojej drogi zawodowej i chcesz dalej się rozwijać?Nie masz dużego doświadczenia w handlu detalicznym, a chcesz w przyszłości objąć stanowisko wyższego szczebla?Dołącz do naszego programu rozwojowego Dyrektor Hali Sprzedaży - Program ...
Remote possible: 100% Your tasks Develop high-performance, multi-threaded software, following architectural guidelinesEnsure high quality and performance of the codeOptimize application performanceSupport the project in all aspects of development thanks to ...
Praca zdalna: 100% Kogo szukamy? Min. 5 lat doświadczenia komercyjnego jako Data Engineer Bardzo dobra znajomość języków SQL i Python oraz narzędzia Spark PySpark Doświadczenie w budowaniu skalowalnych, działających w czasie rzeczywistym i ...
Remote possible: 100% Who were looking for? Experience in working with HTL, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, or Less Understanding of clientlib building concepts and skills Knowledge of component and template building concepts and configuration dialogs (event handling ...
Remote possible: 100% Who were looking for? Minimum 5 years of experience in information retrieval or text summarization, experience in NLP (Natural Language Processing) Strong proficiency in Python, including code review, unit testing, and working with a ...
... osobowych jest Saint-Gobain PAM Polska Sp. z o.o. z ...
... jest Saint-Gobain Construction Products Polska Sp. z o.o. z ...
... jest Saint-Gobain Construction Products Polska Sp. z o.o. z ...
Remote possible: 100% Who were looking for? Strong proficiency in Python 3.x Extensive experience with SQL and database technologies Solid understanding of backend development principles Experience with Django or similar web frameworks Familiarity with ...
Remote possible: 90% Who were looking for? Proven experience in automation testing, preferably with UIPath Strong knowledge of software testing methodologies and best practices Familiarity with front-end testing concepts and techniques Basic understanding ...