Młodszy Przedstawiciel Handlowy ds. monitoringu Miejsce pracy: Dąbrowa Górnicza Twój zakres obowiązków Aktywne pozyskiwanie kontaktów w powierzonym rejonie Tworzenie ofert handlowych Podpisywanie umów Projektowanie systemów alarmowych i kamer Obsługa ...
STATSCORE We are one of the worlds leading companies in the field of providing innovative products for the sports industry. We collect, organize and deliver high-quality sports data helping sports enthusiasts, media and betting organizations achieve their ...
Responsibilities You are a member of a team working for a client in the German finance or insurance industry. You will advise our customers on the strategic (re-)alignment and conception of their software testing. Based on established models for test ...
STATSCORE We are one of the world’s leading companies in the field of providing innovative products for the sports industry. We collect, organize and deliver high - quality sports data helping sports enthusiasts, media and betting organizations achieve ...
The goal of the position is the provision and further development of global cloud infrastructure for the entire Hirschvogel Group and the assurance of the global administration of the systems required for this as well as the coordination of the ...
Statscore We are one of the worlds leading companies in the field of providing innovative products for the sports industry. We collect, organize and deliver high-quality sports data helping sports enthusiasts, media and betting organizations achieve their ...
Responsibilities You are a member of a team working for a dedicated customer in the German financial or insurance industry. You work with the customer to analyze project requirements and define testing needs. Design & Develop test automated scripts in the ...
Responsibilities You are a member of a team working for a dedicated customer in the German financial or insurance industry. You work with the customer to analyze project requirements and define testing needs. Design & Develop test automated scripts in the ...
Wymagania: Umiejętność pracy w zespole Zaangażowanie i inicjatywa Dokładność i systematyczność Aktualne uprawnienia UDT do obsługi wózków widłowych Oferujemy: Stabilność zatrudnienia Zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o pracę tymczasową Możliwość przejścia ...
Proszę dzwonić Praca przy ociepleniach budynków. Wykończenia wnętrz na zimę. Praca bez przestojów Wymagania: - doświadczenie - sumienność - dokładność - punktualność Oferujemy: - umowa o pracę - stałe wynagrodzenie - dojazd do miejsca pracy. - praca na ...