About Our Client global leader in mechatronic systems for vehicles, specializing in car parts. Job Description Translate business risks and constraints related to IT and Information Security into actionable technical requirements and controls, while designing metrics to measure and report performanc...
About Our Client global leader in mechatronic systems for vehicles, specializing in car parts. Job Description Translate business risks and constraints related to IT and Information Security into actionable technical requirements and controls, while designing metrics to measure and report performanc...
Jesteśmy ponad 100-osobowym zespołem, który tworzy własne oprogramowanie na platformy Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Exchange i SharePoint. Nasze programy wykorzystywane są w ponad 120 000 przedsiębiorstw w 170 krajach świata, a wśród naszych klientów są takie firmy jak Shell, Facebook czy Sąd Najwyżs...